
All Awards

One of the primary aims of the Company is the promotion of education, arts, science and technology in Wales. The Company achieves this aim by making Awards to the young people of Wales. The overall aim of the Awards Programme is “To Nurture Welsh Talent”. This will include specific Awards for those undertaking academic and vocational studies, including members of the armed forces and those involved with Community services. There are also a number of General Development Awards available.

All Awards will enable recipients to undertake travel, study and community projects which will significantly assist in furthering their careers and will enhance and develop their talents.

Outlined below is a summary of the Awards currently provided by The Company. For further information about any of these Awards, please contact the Clerk, David Sneddon at:

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The Company Currently offers 4 major annual Awards:

The Outstanding Achievement Award is awarded annually to recognise a person with Welsh heritage who has risen to the absolute top of their profession and has achieved international reach and recognition in doing so. The winner will be invited to become an Honorary Liveryman of the Company. Nominations for this Award are made by members of the Livery Company.

The Achievement Award is to recognise a person with Welsh heritage who has, by mid-career, demonstrated exceptional achievement and who is thought to have significant future personal development potential. Nominations for this Award are made by members of the Livery Company.

This prestigious Award for £5,000 is made to a Welsh person, generally under the age of 30, of demonstrated ability who presents a proposal which will permit development of their career or business.

The Silver Jubilee Development Award is a prestigious Award worth £3,000, and is to enable an outstanding young Welsh person, who has graduated from an Academic Institution or qualified with a professional body, to further their professional development by undertaking a project or attending a high level course, preferably with an international element. On line applications forms should be submitted between 1st October and 30th November. These will be available on line from September onwards. Selection interviews will be arranged during December and take place in January. The Award winner will be announced in early March.

Other Company Awards:

ACADEMIC AWARDS include all Awards that are granted to young people between the ages of 15-35 who are in full time studies at educational establishments whether they are attending a school, are students at a college or are studying a graduate/post graduate course at a University Department.
All applicants should have Welsh credentials by reason of birth, education, residence, or work location. In the case of those university students who may only be studying in Wales, discretion will be exercised and further commitment to Wales will be sought.

Awards are determined by, and in order of:
- The ability of the applicant.
- The benefit to the applicant and to Wales that will accrue from the Award.
- The financial need of the applicant, although assessed only in general terms.
- The impact of the Award on the institution with which the applicant is associated.



These are principally for graduate and post-graduate students to enable them to further their careers and to develop their talents by undertaking a project or further study abroad. These Awards work on a 5 year rolling programme throughout Wales.

Travel Awards are currently offered at:
- Aberystwyth University (IBERS and Veterinary College)
- Bangor University
- University of Wales, Cardiff (Journalism)
- Cardiff Metropolitan University
- Swansea University
- University of South Wales
- University of Wales, Trinity St David
- The Open University
- University Medical School, Cardiff


Two Awards are made to students at The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff.

- Music Award
This Award is open to post-graduate music students only of RWCMD who wish to undertake an outreach project that will further artistic engagement in Wales.

- Stage Award
The Stage Award is open to both undergraduate and post-graduate students of Welsh Design for Performance / Stage Management & Technical Theatre/ Stage and Event Management at the RWCMD. The Award is to support attendance including travel and living costs at a professional work placement.


These Awards are granted to young people between the ages of 15-35 who are in full time studies at one of the Colleges listed below. Working with staff members at these Colleges, these are nominated Awards made to students who have demonstrated excellence in the courses attended. All applicants should have Welsh credentials by reason of birth, education or residence. In the case of those College students who may only be studying in Wales, discretion will be exercised and further commitment to Wales will be sought.

- Bridgend College
- Cardiff and Vale College
- Coleg Cambria, Llysfasi
- Grwp Llandrillo Menai
- Coleg Gwent
- Coleg Sir Gar
- Coleg Y Cymoedd
- Gower College, Swansea
- Merthyr Tydfil College
- NPTC Group
- Pembrokeshire College


One of our aims as a charitable organisation is to encourage and support young people throughout Wales through a programme of school Awards. Working with nominated school staff members at selected schools, these Awards are made to Year 13 students, who will go on to further/higher education and who have a strong Welsh connection by birth or residence.
These Schools Awards work on a 5 year rolling programme throughout Wales.


These four Awards recognise individuals who have made significant progress in Financial Literacy skills and will enable the recipients to purchase hardware, software, books etc to help support continued Financial Literacy improvement.

Four colleges in Wales participate, one in South Wales one in North Wales one in mid Wales and one in West Wales. Working with nominated college staff members, these Awards are made to young students with Welsh credentials and whom the staff members believe will benefit from this Award to help further their study and progression. The winners would also be considered as role models to others

For further information about any of these Awards, please contact the Clerk, David Sneddon at

VOCATIONAL AWARDS includes all Awards to young people, not in full time education, but in some other form of organised training – ranging from apprentices in all subject areas through to trainee professionals such as various health professionals, business, hospitality management, paralegals and others.

All applicants should have Welsh credentials by reason of birth, education, residence, or work location. In the case of those students who may only be in training part time in Wales, discretion will be exercised and further commitment to Wales will be sought.

Awards are determined by, and in order of:
- The ability of the applicant.
- The benefit to the applicant and to Wales that will accrue from the Award.
- The financial need of the applicant, although assessed only in general terms.
- The impact of the Award on the Organisation or Company with which the applicant is associated.



- Bridgend College
- Cardiff and Vale College
- Coleg Cambria, Llysfasi
- Grwp Llandrillo Menai
- Coleg Gwent
- Coleg Sir Gar
- Coleg Y Cymoedd
- Gower College, Swansea
- Merthyr Tydfil College
- NPTC Group
- Pembrokeshire College
- Welsh National History Museum, St Fagans


Two Awards to young persons (under 18) who has overcome adversity and the Award fund is to support their further studies and development.

For further information about any of these Awards, please contact the Clerk, David Sneddon at

COMMUNITY AWARDS are made to young people who have made a recognisable contribution to their community or demonstrated excellence in their achievements.
All applicants should have Welsh credentials by reason of birth, education, residence, or work location. In the case of those young people who may only be studying in Wales, discretion will be exercised and further commitment to Wales will be sought.

Awards are determined by, and in order of:
- The achievement and contribution of the applicant.
- The benefit to the applicant and to Wales that will accrue from the Award.
- The financial need of the applicant, although assessed only in general terms.
- The impact of the Award on the institution with which the applicant is associated.



Achievement Awards are currently made at:

- RAF Valley - Babcock Aviation
- Wales University Royal Naval Unit
- The Royal Yeomanry – The Welsh Cavalry, 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards
- 3rd Battalion Royal Welsh Regiment
- Wales University Officers Training Corps

For further information about any of these Awards, please contact the Clerk, David Sneddon at

In addition to the three main categories of Awards, there are a number of General Development Awards also available. These Awards will enable recipients to undertake travel, study and community projects which will significantly assist in furthering their careers and enhance and develop their talents.

All applicants should be young people, generally between 15 and 35 years old and have Welsh credentials by reason of birth, education, residence, or work location. In the case of those university students who may only be studying in Wales, discretion will be exercised and further commitment to Wales will be sought.

Awards are determined by, and in order of:
- The ability of the applicant.
- The benefit to the applicant and to Wales that will accrue from the Award.
- The financial need of the applicant, although assessed only in general terms.
- The impact of the Award on the institution/company with which the applicant is associated.

Please complete this form for an application to be considered:

General Development Application Form(word) / General Development Application Form(pdf)

For further information about any of these Awards, please contact the Clerk, David Sneddon at: