GPC Meeting by Zoom at 12:30pm
Court Meeting by Zoom at 16:30
St Asaph Carols - North Wales Committee
Court Meeting on Zoom - 16:30 - 19:00
Recently clothed Liverymen Laura Davies and Stephen Richards will discuss their experiences during an interactive discussion. Laura is a past Company Innovation Travel Award Winner and currently Distillery Manager at the Welsh Whisky Company at Penderyn.
Steve retired as Chief Executive of the charity Solving Kid Cancer in 2020 and is currently enjoying life through involvement with a start-up company.
Click here for more information
GPC Meeting on Zoom - 12:30 - 15:00
Illustrated lecture by General Jonathon Riley
followed by a tour of Caernarfon Castle and the Museum
Afternoon Garden Party at Dol Hyfryd, The Roe, by kind permission of John and Rosie Solbe
Talking Heads
Group Captain Andrew Turk DFC ADC MA RAF Station Commander, RAF Valley in conversation with Past Master, Wing Commander (Rtd) Graeme Morgan C Eng
Please send an expression of interest to the Assistant Clerk to receive full joining instructions.
Welsh Livery Zoom Installation Celebration Supper
18:45 for 19:00 concluding at 20:30
Click here
Court Meeting on Zoom - 17:30-20:00
Court Assistant and Chair of the Charity Committee Simon Holt, MBE, MA, MB, BChir, FRCS in conversation with Liveryman Ivor Chestnutt, PhD, FDSRCS, FFPH
Please send an expression of interest to the Assistant Clerk to receive full joining instructions.
Afternoon Tea at Usk Castle
Sunday 13th June 2021
14:00 until 16:00.
GPC MEETING on Zoom - 14:30-17:00
"A highly accomplished magician and consummate professional”
The Stage
"I had a great night. The audience loved it."
Paul Daniels
"That was brilliant!"
Dame Esther Rantzen
A Calling Notice has been circulated. If you wish to attend, please inform the Assistant Clerk at
Gladstone Library or Chirk Castle
Talking Heads Zoom - 19:30
Liveryman Harold Burrows, MBE, CF in conversation with Liveryman and Chair of North Wales Committee, Andrew Richards BSc(Ag) JP DL
Please send an expression of interest to the Assistant Clerk to receive full joining instructions.
Given by Owen the Cheese Man from Ty Caws
Court Meeting on Zoom - 17:30-20:00
On behalf of Liverymen of The Worshipful Livery Company of Wales, I offer our deepest condolences to Her Majesty the Queen, Her Majesty's children and their families on the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Throughout his long life he served with a great sense of duty and a wonderful generosity of spirit. The Duke of Edinburgh Award has given thousands of young people in Wales vital experiences and opportunities. He will be greatly missed.
GPC Meeting on Zoom - 14:30-17:00
Talking Heads with Court Assistant Professor Karen Jones, PhD, MSc, BSc, FRSM, Honorary Professor at Bangor University, Business School, Council Member Bangor University, Director Menter Môn and Science Park Anglesey in conversation with Liveryman Sue Thomas JP DL Chairman of Howell’s School Governing Board and former Chairman of The Cardiff Bench.
Please send an expression of interest to the Assistant Clerk to receive full joining instructions.
Installation Event & Luncheon - Cardiff & County Club
At a Court Meeting to be held on Wednesday 31st March 2021, the new Office Holders of the Company for the year 2020/21 will be installed. They include:
Master Dr Kathy Seddon
Senior Warden Mr Stuart Castledine
Junior Warden Major John Charles
Senior Court Assistant Mrs Agnes Xavier-Phillips
Deputy Master Mr Peter Coleman
All Liverymen, their spouses and guests are most warmly invited to attend the Installation Court via Zoom.
The Incoming Master looks forward to greeting everyone at the first event of the new Livery Year.
The timings are as follows:
11:00 Introduction and Prayers
11:10 Taking of the Livery Company Oaths by Incoming Officers and new Court Assistants
11:50 Welcome by the New Master, Dr Kathy Seddon
12:00 Close
Dress for Court members is Court Robes with decorations and Livery Badges.
Attendees dress code: Smart Attire with ties for men.
Please Email the Assistant Clerk for Zoom details which will be issued upon request.
Following an email request to all Liverymen and a short note on the website, we are vey pleased to say that a number of Liverymen have volunteered to act as Mentors for our YPC members who have expressed an interest in having a Mentor
Liverymen Peter Coleman (Master) John Charles (Senior Court Assistant), Noel Hulmston, Christopher Downward MC and Keith Shankland have volunteered to help members of our YPC community.
Agnes Xavier Phillips and Andy Carson Stevens have already provided some much appreciated mentoring
As more requests from YPC members come in, we will be extending the programme. If you feel you would like to help in the future please contact Kathy Seddon (Senior Warden)
Talking Heads with Past Master and Almoner, Emeritus Professor Ron Eccles BSC, PhD, DSc, Former Director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University in conversation with Emeritus Clerk Dr Claude Evans C Chem MRSC
Please send an expression of interest to the Assistant Clerk to receive full joining instructions.
Awards Event on Zoom.
Liveryman and Founding WLCOW YPC Committee Chair , Dr Andrew Carson-Stevens MRCGP MPhil (Med Ed) PhD HonMFPH FRSA, NHS General Practitioner and Clinical Reader of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in conversation with Court Assistant , North Wales Committee member and Chair of the Membership Committee Dr Rosemary Solbe PhD, FRSB.
Please send an expression of interest to the Assistant Clerk to receive full joining instructions.
Commencing at 5:30pm through the media of Zoom.
Further details will be circulated in due course.
Common hall over Zoom - 18:00 - 20:00.
Welsh Livery Guild Charitable Trustee Dyfrig Morgan James BSc FGS CGeol FIG FIWA, Geologist, Global Business Leader in conversation with Court Assistant Keith Shankland, Chartered Engineer, Management Consultant and business start-up specialist.
Please send an expression of interest to the Assistant Clerk to receive full joining instructions.
Court Meeting over Zoom - 17:30-20:00 .
GPC Meeting over Zoom - 14:30-17:00.