
Privacy Policy

Liverymen will be aware that the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) entered into force on 25 May 2018. The Regulation requires all organisations holding personal data to inform individuals of what the data held on them is and how it is utilised. All Liverymen have already been contacted about this requirement.

A Data Protection Privacy Policy Statement for the Worshipful Livery Company of Wales and the Welsh Livery Guild Charitable Trust explaining how they collect, handle and responsibly use the data obtained from Liverymen and demonstrating their firm commitment to your privacy and to meeting the requirements of GDPR is available.

The data base maintained by the Company contains the following information on you:

Title Name (first and family names)
Date of birth
Name of spouse
Your CV (as submitted with your application including professional and academic qualifications)
Postal Address
E-mail Address (if provided)
Telephone number(s)
Admission Number and Date of Admission
Record of Quarterage Payments
Record of donations to the Company’s Charitable Trust Details of your bank account name, number and branch sort code (if you pay by direct debit or standing order)

Where provided by you, or from publicly available and reputable sources we also record:

Updates on your contact details
Personal data provided by you for a specific purpose (e.g. accessibility needs, or dietary requirements for event management)
Communication preferences
Media information about you

We do not take data that you have posted in a private environment. We always aim to keep your details up to date, and we will check the contact details we have for you are correct and, where appropriate, update them. We may use photographs taken at Livery Company events in our web-pages or in the Welsh Liveryman unless specifically requested not to do so.

We need to keep your details on our database so that we can:

• Keep in touch with you and inform you about Company events, activities, developments and appeals
• Communicate with you by mail, e-mail or phone
• Keep a record of your attendance at events and communications with the Company
• Keep a record of your Quarterage payments and donations to the Charitable Trust
• With your consent recognise any contributions you make to the Company
• Claim Gift Aid from HMRC on any of your eligible donations
• Periodically communicate with you to ensure that you are still content for us to keep in touch and for your records to be maintained by us

We promise that:

• We will not share your data with any third party for any purpose
• We will keep your data safe and secure and only publish it in the Directory which will strictly be for circulation to Liverymen only

You have the right:

• To ask us for a copy of the personal data we hold on you
• To request that we correct or remove any of your details contained in our database
• To object to processing that is causing you, or is likely to cause you, damage or distress
• To object to any form of communication

The terms of this Privacy Statement may change from time to time. Any substantial changes that affect how we process your personal data will be published on our web-site or communicated to you directly, as appropriate and as far as practicable.