
Award Winners Community


The Award Winners Community (AWC) is a network of award winners who have been recognised by the WLCoW. They have been drawn from every field of art, science, commerce and technology throughout Wales.

Our vision is to inspire and empower young leaders to help build a sustainable future for our country.

We do this by helping our award winners to achieve the highest standards of vocational and professional excellence through mentoring and support. Career development takes different forms: invitation to exclusive events, celebrations, peer networking and mentoring opportunities.

The calendar is structured around three seasonal social events a year. These are normally held in the Cardiff area. This starts in autumn with the Christmas social held early in December at a bar or restaurant.

Early in the New Year the Company holds a formal award evening where a handful of AWC members welcome the new cohort of Award Winners We then meet later in spring to plan the year ahead. Meetings are normally in the early evening on Thursdays.

We believe the talent and accomplishments of our young people go far beyond an initial award. Through the support and inspiration of one other we can work towards a sustainable future for Wales.

We want to welcome as diverse a Cohort of members as possible. If you are interested in joining the Award Winners Community contact us via Past Master Dr Kathy Seddon on

Best Wishes,

James Bain,
Chair of AWC

Worshipful Livery Company of Wales Award Winners Community's
- for professional excellence through mentorship -


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Celebrating Excellence: Meet Our Award Winners Community

In a world driven by innovation and achievement, fostering a community that celebrates excellence is more important than ever. This year, our Award Winners Community at the Worshipful Livery company of Wales has continued to grow as a vibrant hub for recognizing talent, inspiring collaboration, and shaping future leaders. As we reflect on the year, we’re excited to share highlights of our activities and introduce our committee who help make this community thrive.

Meet the Committee Members

Dr. James Bain, Chair

Dr Jame Bain

With a passion for decarbonising the power sector across Welsh, British and global markets, James has dedicated his career to the development and dispatch of decarbonised technologies with an expertise in hydrogen technologies. His previous experience includes experimental research into enabling hydrogen usage in Wales’ largest power station. James now works for the sponsors of this research, RWE Generation UK, in their energy transition team where he now brings that research to fruition. James, a previous recipient of the Travel Award and the Bryan Marsh Gold Award in 2021/2022, has served as Chair of the AWC since 2024. Passionate about uniting the community, James focuses on celebrating success, fostering networking opportunities, and encouraging collaboration as members of the AWC advance in their careers.

Caitlin Tanner

Caitlin Tanner

Born bilaterally profoundly deaf, Caitlin qualified as an intensive care nurse and worked during the coronavirus pandemic whilst simultaneously undertaking a master’s in education for healthcare professionals. She highlighted needs of deaf patients and is working towards improving their experiences. Caitlin is now conducting her PhD on the experiences of deaf nurses in the UK to focus on the retention and recruitment of deaf nurses within the profession. Caitlin is supported by Swansea University Research Excellence Scholarship and is a recipient of the Worshipful Livery Company of Wales travel scholarship to part-fund her attendance to the Deaf Academics Conference 2023 in Vienna, Austria. She is passionate about collaboration and relationships making a strong combination in achieving change and is looking forward to strengthening this within the Worshipful Livery Company Award Winner Committee.

Lucy Kember

Lucy Kember

With a passion for advancing sports rehabilitation and athlete well-being, Lucy Kember has dedicated her career to injury prevention and athletic performance, with a particular focus on ACL injury screening and rehabilitation. Lucy’s research focuses on developing innovative tools and strategies to identify and mitigate injury risks in young athletes. Alongside her academic pursuits, Lucy serves as Programme Director for the BSc Sport Conditioning, Rehabilitation, and Massage degree at Cardiff Metropolitan University, where she combines her expertise with a commitment to developing the next generation of practitioners. She is also the mentorship lead for the Centre for Applied Sport Science and Medicine, where she supports and empowers aspiring female professionals. A recipient of the Innovation Travel Award in 2024, Lucy actively contributes to national and international conferences and peer-reviewed publications. Passionate about collaboration and community, Lucy is excited to foster connections within the AWC and support its members in their journey of excellence.

Highlights from 2024

This year has been filled with memorable events that underscore the power of connection and collaboration:

June 7th – Summer Social

Our summer social was the first event held by the newly formed AWC. The AWC enjoyed a vibrant evening of networking, strengthen connections and a wonderful buffet spread in the relaxed summer setting of Pontcanna Inn’s outdoor area. It was a wonderful way for this newly formed committee to kick off the AWC’s new social aspirations.

December 11th – Christmas Social

The AWC had such a wonderful time at Pontcanna Inn in the summer, the committee decided to host their Christmas social back at the Pontcanna, trading the fresh summer evening outside for a cosy and festive edition inside. It was an wonderful evening to meet with new and old faces, again, enjoying some excellent food options provided by Pontcanna and to deepen the friendships made through the AWC.

Looking Ahead

As we close this chapter and look to the future, our commitment to excellence remains steadfast. We’re excited to expand our reach, deepen our impact, and continue celebrating the outstanding contributions of individuals from Wales.

Our up-coming events include an evening “Meeting the Master” in Q1 2025 and will be followed by a May bank holiday Croquet social in Llandaff in – we look forward to welcoming all of our Award Winners to these events. Invites will be released soon – so please do keep your eyes peeled on your inbox!

To all members of our Award Winners Community, thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we’re not just celebrating success—we’re building a legacy of inspiration and transformation. And a massive thank-you to the Livery for all your support in enabling us to connect in the manner that we do.

Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. Here’s to another year of excellence!